понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

clinic cullman

So I took my cousin out to explore today (sheapos;s @�UCLA). We went to Santa Monica Pier, which is like Beach Boardwalk in Santa Cruz but...scaled down to about 1/8th the side. We rode a big ferris wheel, walked along the beach, checked out a couple shops (but there werenapos;t many) and got REALLLLLLY hungry. We parked and walked like...1.5 miles there because it SEEMED close, but really, the ferris wheel was very large, so from a distance, seemed closer. Whoops.
We drove through a shopping strip on Santa Monica, but we didnapos;t see anything much that weapos;d want to stop for. Tired and hungry I was like "letapos;s go to downtown" (where Ballyapos;s was that I�almost worked at). Perception off AGAIN, I�thought it would be close because I was like "dude, weapos;re on 4th street letapos;s just take this to downtown". Right. From Santa Monica to downtown LA. I�plugged it into my GPS and was like "oh, we need to get on the freeway I�guess" so we did. It took twenty minutes. LoL. Streets here go for MILES. Like Iapos;m pretty sure I could take one street through ALL of los angeles. We drove around and were very overwhelmed by too many choices, really big buildings, really stupid pedestrians, and lack of parking, so we wandered the outskirts and made a wrong turn and wound up by USC which is NOT a good area, which everyone has told me, but I really saw it for myself today (by accident). Then we drove back the other way, wandered through Chinatown and FINALLY in the middle of nowhere, there was this "Persian Cuisine" restaurant. Joey (short for JoAnn) and I�stopped and weapos;re like "weapos;re eating here now". It was about the size of my kitchen, and then menu was just pictures. Then we got a "detailed menu" and found out there was basically rice, veggies and either chicken, falafel, beef, or...ground beef. I�got the chicken.
It was the best tasting thing in the world, and the people were SO nice, even though the guy had on an apron that looked like it came out of a Sweeny Todd movie. We didnapos;t care. At least at SOME point, it passed inspection with an A, so said the door. Iapos;ll bet 1999 was a good year for them.
Whatever. We were happy, pleasantly full, and then drove down Melrose Street with all these Vintage shops and douchy looking skinny white guys with aviator sunglasses, fedoras, and cigarettes, and a bunch of girls with...really horrible clothing in general. What is WRONG with these people? Meh. At least I�felt normal. Which is probably wrong in L.A. But whatever.
Then we drove in Beverly Hills again (we did it before) but this time we went to the HILLS. Like winding up these huge hills with these enormous mansions overlooking the valley/downtown/whatever. So amazing. So huge. And...they all looked the same. We had fun wowing over them for a bit until we were like "eh...seen it" and then I dropped her off.
Got home in wonderful traffic...got a call back from a apos;wellness coachapos; who I had sent an e-mail to about interest in what they do (any heads up on this one, Jocelyn?) and have been sitting on my butt. Oh, talked to another tenant of the building. He was nice. Heapos;s an apos;actorapos; as well. Theyapos;re everywhere. But thatapos;s okay because heapos;s a cool one.
Jack registered to vote and found out that on the last apartment he lived at, he OWES money on the deposit. Like. A lot. Like more than he pays rent here. Uh oh. Weapos;ll see how that plays out. $h*t.
Relaxing tonight...Long, very leg-tiring day.

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