воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Calculating the Rising Sign in Astrology

The rising sign in your astrology chart can be complicated, but it will
Render more accurate horoscope readings, so it is worth the extra
Effort. While your sun sign is determined by your date of birth, your
Rising sign is figured by the exact time and place of birth. The
Astrology horoscope you read in the daily newspaper is considered
Generic because it is based on sun signs alone; rising signs are so
Specific to each individual that they must be calculated individually.

Rising sign, also referred to as the ascendant sign, is the sign of the
Zodiac that was just rising over the eastern horizon at the time of
Your birth. For this reason, two people born at the exact same time,
Even to the same second, but born in different locations, will have
Different rising signs, and consequently, different horoscopes. This
Sign changes approximately every 2 hours, so you can see how people
With the same sun sign can be very different.

Ascendant sign is based on the rotation of the Earth on its own axis,
Not on its revolution around the Sun. With the turning of the Earth,
The rising sign moves up the horizon approximately one degree every
Four minutes. It takes 30 degrees to transform into the next sign. The
Exact degree of the ascendant sign is in constant change, so even if
You are in the rising sign of Aires, for example, you may be at the
Beginning or ending of its evolution, thereby being influenced by the
Signs immediately before or after.

Significance of knowing your rising sign is that this sign represents
The way you present yourself to the world. It represents the first
Impressions you make on others (whether those are conscious or not). It
Also represents the image of yourself that you want to present to
Others. Many refer to this sign as the "sign of style" because traits
You portray on your outside appearance are those reflected by this sign
In the zodiac.

Your sun sign indicates who you are at your core, the rising sign
Indicates who you are on the surface. When you read your horoscope and
Think that there is confusion about who it says you are and who you
Think you are, consider the rising sign. Most of this confusion about
How you seem to have the characteristics of a different sign can be
Clarified by calculating your rising sign and understanding its role in

Your rising sign sheds light on the intricate complications of your
Personal character. Understanding the traits of your rising sign, and
Its role in your overall horoscope, will help you navigate your daily
Interactions in relation to your true intentions. If you know where you
Were born, and even the approximate time, you can calculate your rising
Sign on any number of websites now available.

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